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Skilled Construction Workers in Short Supply

The construction industry has been growing steadily, but there simply aren’t enough skilled workers to meet demand. Even this past January saw growth, despite extreme weather challenges. According to the Associated General Contractors of America, 11,000 jobs were added in that month alone.

So what is being done to meet this demand? Wage increases in the construction industry are becoming more common. In fact, the average increase this past year was 5.3 percent among both onsite trade workers and office workers.

Despite the pay increase, contractors are still coming up short in hiring. By the end of December, there were 374,000 construction jobs added in 2023, but only 227,000 positions were filled. Aside from wage increases, officials of the Associated General Contractors of America are calling for government action.

One issue they want addressed is the lack of high school level training and education, which officials are urging the federal government to increase. They are also asking the government to expand legal entry of people into the country in order to better meet demand. 

All this to say, now is the time to join the construction industry! Licensed electricians are in high demand. With great pay and benefits, steady work and no college debt, it’s a road worth considering.


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