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The Future is Electric

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We're joining Ann Arbor in the commitment to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030. 


Join us today.

The Future is Electric



To fight climate change, our world is moving away from fossil fuels and toward full electrification powered by renewable energy. In Ann Arbor, the city’s ambitious A2ZERO Plan commits to community-wide carbon neutrality by 2030.


This means big changes in how we heat and power our homes, businesses, schools and more.


Your local IBEW 252 electricians and NECA contractors are ready to help you “go electric!”

50-100% Cost Savings

Save money in your home or business with lower utility bills, increased home value and more

Goodbye Carbon Footprint

Lessen our reliance on fossil fuels and other depleting sources by using clean energy sources

Healthy Home, Healthy You

Make the health of your family and community a priority. Choose green, energy efficient, non-toxic systems for your home or business. 

Want to Get Involved?

Find out what Ann Arbor residents need to know about going electric

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Our Electrification Initiatives

When it comes to electrification and upgrading in the coming years, here are the broad A2ZERO initiatives to consider: ​


  • Energy audits: Understanding how a building is using energy and where improvements can be made. 

  • Energy efficiency: Switching to energy efficient electric appliances, LED lighting, HVAC systems and water heating. 

  • Weatherization of buildings: Modifications to optimize energy efficiency, including air sealing, improved insulation, door and window upgrades and more. 

  • Load management: Improving energy efficiency and operating costs through systems such as energy management software and smart thermostats. 

  • Distributed electrical generation: Installing battery storage systems, along with solar arrays, to increase the energy resilience of a household or business.

  • Electric Vehicle (EV) Charging: Providing the necessary infrastructure at homes and businesses so people can make the switch to EVs.  

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Electrifying Ann Arbor

Different sectors of Ann Arbor -- residential, small businesses, large commercial, industrial and schools -- need to think strategically about electrification in the coming years.


  • Weatherization techniques including air sealing, window coverings and insulation

  • Appliance electrification and efficiency

  • Smart thermostats

  • Updating electrical services or panels to address higher electric load



  • High powered Electric Vehicle charging for heavy duty fleet vehicles

  • Updated electrical service or panels to address increased electrical load and electrification of heavy machinery


Large Commercial

  • Level 2 Electric Vehicle charging in large retail lots

  • HVAC electrification with heat pumps

Small Business

  • HVAC electrification with heat pumps

  • Lighting upgrades to LEDs

  • Workplace, customer and private fleet Level 2 Electric Vehicle charging

  • High efficiency induction over gas ranges



  • Level 2 Electric Vehicle charging

  • High powered charging at bus depots for electric school busses 

  • Solar and battery storage

  • Electrification of HVAC and water heating systems 

  • Energy efficient LED lighting and smart lighting systems


For more information 

about the A2ZERO Plan and what it means for the future of our community, visit the Ann Arbor Office of Sustainability and Innovations website.


The IBEW NECA 252 team is ready to electrify your home or businesses. 

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© 2021 IBEW NECA 252

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